Victor Grimblatt

The Impact of Electronics to AgriFood

According to FAO from United Nations, current agricultural production needs to be increased by 70% for 2050 to be able to feed the increasing population which will be around 9 billion by that time. This increase on productivity must be sustainable as agriculture and land usage change are responsible of 1/3 of GHG emissions. An important point of the sustainability is low power systems especially for the IoT systems used in agrifood. This talk will present the different options Synopsys offer for low power design (methodologies and IPs) so designers can produce systems that are emissions aware and sustainables.


PhD in Electronics, University of Bordeaux, France – 2021

Electronic Engineer, Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Valparasio, Chile – 2003

Electronic Engineer specialized in microelectronics, INPG, France – 1985

R&D Group Director and General Manager, Synopsys Chile

Member of the IEEE CASS Board of Governors (2020 – 2023)

Founder and chair of the IEEE CASS Electronics for Agrifood Special Interest Group (SIG)

IEEE CASS representative at Climate Change TAB

General co-chair of the IEEE CASS Workshop on Climate Change

Chair of LASCAS Steering Committee (2019 – 2021)

General Chair LASCAS 2014, LASCAS 2022, Chile

Program Co-Chair VLSI SoC 2021, Virtual

Program Co-Chair ISCAS 2024, Singapore

Member of the Chilean Offshoring Committee (2006 – 2008)

President of the Chilean Electrical and Electronics Industry Association (2016 – 2021)

Lecturing several courses on VLSI Design and IoT for Agriculture at Universidad de la Frontera, Chile and Universidad Santo Tomas, Chile.

Organized the 1st and 2nd Seasonal School on AgriFood Electronics in 2020 and 2021 (virtual schools)

Organized and lectured several IC Design Bootcamp in Chile and other Latin American countries

Member of the AC3E (Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering) Board of Directors

Chair of the Chilean Technology Initiative aiming to develop the technological industry in Chile

Several publications in EDA, IoT for Agriculture, and embedded systems

Editor and co-author of 3 books

Chilean Innovator of the Year in Service Export Award (2010)

IEEE-AIE Outstanding Engineer Award (2022)

Speaker Details
Speaker Details