Dr. Samsuzana Abd Aziz is an Associate Professor at the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) where she was the department head for four years from 2013 until 2016. She received the Young Female Leader Professional Development Award from IEEE-WiCAS in 2015. In 2018 she was the first runner up for ASEAN-US Science Prize for Women in Precision Agriculture research and later, was appointed as the Head of Smart Farming Technology Research Centre, UPM. She served as the Deputy Dean of Postgraduate Studies at the Faculty of Engineering, UPM from 2019-2021.
Currently she is the coordinator for Putra Makers Space UPM and the 2022 IEEE CASMakers Outreach Program. She’s been occupying herself in Journal editorial work such as with the IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics (TAFE), Transactions of ASABE, Computer and Electronics in Agriculture (COMPAG) and Information Processing in Agriculture (IPA). Her current research focuses on instrumentations and artificial intelligence for AgriFood systems.
Dr. Samsuzana received her PhD and MSc degree in Agricultural Engineering from Iowa State University USA back in 2008 and 2005. Her bachelor degree was in Electrical Telecommunication Engineering from UTM Skudai in 2001.