Nigel Wallbridge

Decoding electrical signalling in plants: How information from plants is, and can, transform agriculture.

Decoding electrical signalling in plants: How information from plants is, and can, transform agriculture
In recent years there has been growing research interest in how plants use electrical signalling. Vivent, and a few other companies, are working to decode these signals and to improve yields.  This talk will review the current status of these developments including examples of how plant signals are currently being used and how they can be used in the future.  The range of crops and stressors currently being measured will be discussed.

Details of the current methods of acquiring and analysing the signals are discussed along with their strengths and weaknesses.

Finally, the need for theoretical models to understand information flows in plants will be introduced along with an initial information theoretic model.


Well known tech entrepreneur. Co-Founder of Nomad Digital, one of the UK’s most successful tech start-ups. Previously a founder of J2C plc and GIB. Also an early stage CEO of Interoute after a corporate career at Cable and Wireless and Hawker Siddeley and an academic career at the University of Leeds

Currently testing prototypes of the Phytl Signs Explorer – the world’s first wearable for plants (

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