Special Sessions are an integral part of the CAFE Conference where presenters have the opportunity to share their expertise on a focused or topical research area with fellow researchers and those who wish to discover this area. We are soliciting proposals for areas of academic and industrial/applied interest. These areas may be established or emerging and should be interesting and engaging to the attendees.
- Precision Agriculture
- Smart Livestock Farming
- Climate Change and Global Warming Facing
- Reduction of Pesticides
- Optimization of Resources
- Better Food Production
- Food Safety
- Food Processing
Each Special Session should contain 5 lecture presentations and last ~1.5 hours, including Q&A. The proposal should include a (maximum) two-page description of the Special Session (see below for details) and one-page professional biography of you that highlights your qualifications, track record in the proposed subject area of the Special Session, and relevant previous experience in organizing such sessions. In case you are co-organizing the Special Session with someone else, please include this information for both organizers. Your two-page proposal should contain the following information:
- Title and Abstract: Propose a title and an abstract (short description) that allows conference attendees to quickly and accurately understand the topics that will be covered during the Special Session.
- Motivation and Focus: Explain why your chosen topical area is important to the community and what you hope attendees will learn by attending your Special Session.
- Description of the Special Session: In this section, please provide a list of 5 contributed papers (including titles, authors with affiliations, and a short abstract) that together define the content of the Special Session. No more than 5 papers should be included, given the 1.5 hours available (including Q&A). Furthermore, each Special Session co-organizer can contribute a maximum of 1 paper to the proposed Special Session.
Please submit your Special Session proposal (in PDF format) by email to Special Session Co-Chairs ([email protected] and [email protected]). Your email subject line should read: CAFE 2023 Special Session Proposal.